When You Know You've Ordered Cool Swag
We advise our promotional products clients not to worry about pleasing everyone every time they purchase business swag. It’s very good advice.
We all have different perspectives on what qualifies as cool swag.
When you try to find custom corporate gifts or conference giveaways that have 100% appeal. Well. Not going to happen. Even if you gave away a Mercedes Benz -- someone would complain they only wanted American made cars, or didn't like the color or, had always wanted a Porsche. If you give them a Tesla, they may not be comfortable with having to 'plug in' as opposed to head to the gas station.
I’m not a coffee drinker. **GASP** So I find nothing ‘cool’ about these Insulated Travel Mugs. My husband (and business partner), Jay, the resident coffee drinker, says these are the coolest swag ever. (It’s why we ordered them with the PROMOrx logo!)
We sent one of the custom coffee tumblers to our fabulous client, McKinley, who loved it so much, she sent us a picture via twitter.
What’s cool swag to a non coffee drinker like me? These Thermal Travel Bottles. We ordered them with the PROMOrx logo to use as thank you gifts. Of course, I kept one for myself. They are an excellent marketing opportunity for PROMOrx. See? I do practice what I preach.
I was at a spa in the Houston area after purchasing the bottles with the PROMOrx logo. The spa owner asked me about it. Actually, she offered to buy THAT one from me. I told her all about the custom insulated water bottles. She ended up buying them to sell in the boutique area of her spa. Their insulating properties are perfect for the Texas climate.
One of our tech start-up clients ordered the 's'well knockoff bottles' in every available solid color. All were printed with their company logo in either black or white. They were presented to current staff and new hires, as well as used for giveaways at events. This company is located in a hot, humid state, so you can bet that corporate swag was appreciated and used.
A non-profit client purchased them to give as thank you gifts. (If you aren't familiar with Annamarie Saarinen's touching story of her daughter Eve and the Newborn Foundation , go check out this amazing organization and consider a donation to a truly worthy cause.)
I sent one of the PROMOrx bottles as a thank you to Sonja Pound who went above and beyond for me and received this back from her. A thank you, for a thank you. Pretty cool. And she takes great pictures!
I don’t need validation I’ve made the right decision when I order corporate giveaways. I am opinionated. Ask my husband. Or just call and ask me!
I am grateful for all the validation from our phenomenal clients and the wonderful people around me. But many of you know what I mean -- you want that ‘light bulb moment’. That assurance that you made the right purchase. That billboard on the highway.
I got it.
From this Business Insider Article.
Who also has their logo on thermal travel bottles? Apple.

>>> UPDATE: These custom insulated water bottles continue to be cool!
Look who had these bottles in their company store: SpaceX. Outta this work swag! Or 'merch' as Elon Musk calls it!
Blogger: Vickie MacFadden, Marketing Doctor and owner of PROMOrx.